Photo Requirements for Honorary Women Members:
All Honorary Women Members MUST be sold on taking / providing professional quality photos at the end of their consultations (while still at the consultation).
High quality photos are imperative for successful matchmaking – elite gentleman members will always request to see a photograph prior to meeting. Raw living room snapshots/selfies etc. do not tend to be effective given the level of our male members (which includes nobility, billionaires, self-made millionaires etc).
Just like a fine dining restaurant or an art exhibit, PRESENTATION MATTERS.
For Honorary Women Members to be featured in the Members-Only Portfolio they must have professional, high quality, very attractive photos. Without these photos they will not receive matches (it is very unlikely they will since they are competing with women who have all taken the great photos).
After all, this is what the entire portfolio looks like – all the different segments and sections look this way: Click Here To See Portfolio Sample
If she was accepted as an Honorary Member and does not yet have professional quality photos, she can rest assured she will have great ones taken as long as she follows the club’s guidelines (listed in the photo template that shares quality photographer listings for each major city).
She should know and be informed that better quality photos also result in higher quality matches (the absolute most elite gentlemen do not tend to select the women without great photos…better photos offer more interest and match options from higher quality gentlemen matches).
If she wants to do well she will need professional photos.
Photo Requirements For Women With True Memberships / Active Search Packages:
At the very end of the interview, ask the woman to send in as many photos of herself as possible so we can take a look and see if any are suitable for elite matchmaking.
If the women does not have great photos we will recommend some professional photographers – no need to get into this just yet – As these photo resources are for activated members-only. For now, just tell her to send what she has and generally share with her / tell her how important sharing great photos is at this level…open her mind to that.
RATHER THAN Selling her on taking professional photos just yet, simply tell her how important great photos are and have her send it what she has for now.
Then, once she has her membership activated, if needed, we can guide her through the process of taking professional photos at that time. For now, just get her in and settled in with her membership…then if needed, the club will ensure she takes photos with excellent photographers.
Again, high quality photos are imperative for successful matchmaking – elite gentleman members will always request to see a photograph prior to meeting. Raw living room snapshots/selfies etc. do not tend to be effective given the level of our male members (which includes nobility, billionaires, self-made millionaires etc).
Just like a fine dining restaurant or an art exhibit, PRESENTATION MATTERS.
Better quality photos results in higher quality matches (the absolute most elite gentlemen do not tend to select the women without great photos…better photos offer more interest and options from higher quality matches…its a huge deal).
Fact of Life:
At the end of the day, if you are trying to attract a heterosexual, established gentleman for a loving, romantic relationship, especially AT THIS LEVEL, high quality, beautiful, professional photos are imperative. Rather than doing it “half-way” let’s do it Right and get her the results she’s looking for 🙂 Since we cannot “change” the male brain. lets work with it and love it for what it is…even if that includes needing to take some beautiful photos for your matchmaking!